Friday, November 6, 2009

Christmas is fast approching...

Every year it seems that the celebration of Christmas becomes a little more commercial and a little less of a celebration of Christ. This year there is a Marketing group that has a lofty goal, Graf-Martin has a goal to bring 1 million houses in North America this nicely packaged gift of a small New Testament, a tract from Max Lucado and an invitation asking them to come to your church and learn about the true reason why we celebrate.

This is obviously being targeted at churches or small groups who would see the value in investing in these very economical packs of only $1.20 each. The website is also full of helpful ideas like their coordinating designed invitations and bulletin inserts that you can simply fill in the blanks to come to a function at your church and include them in the packages when delivering them. They can be distributed any way you like as well and the website gives you several ideas of how to do this.

I think that these packs are nicely designed and the New Testament has many helpful hints and indexes for first time or new readers. This coupled with the invite to come join the church service or maybe a phone number offering someone to talk to and ask questions of it may be a very useful tool.

The following is some of the official info put out by Graf-Martin and the website address is:

Looking for a way to help your church effectively reach out to your community?
Join churches around North America in partnership to reach 1 million homes with God’s Word this Christmas.

The Share the Good News of Christmas program is a simple, cost-effective way to help your church bring the gospels to your neighborhood. Rally your family members, church staff, small groups, and Sunday school classes to visit your neighbors and hand out cheerful Christmas bags. Each kit includes:

* 50 cheerful door-hanger bags
* 50 ESV Outreach New Testament Christmas Editions
* 50 customizable invitations to attend a Christmas service at your church
* 50 copies of The Good News of Christmas tract by Max Lucado
* 50 cards announcing a FREE opportunity to explore the ESV Online Study Bible free for 30 days
* 1 Instruction card
* 1 Reproducible church bulletin insert

Each kit will be sold for $59.99. That’s just over $1.20 per home.

This affordable package is a great ministry opportunity for your church family. It’s also a great ministry opportunity to spread the word about children’s programs, choir concerts, Christmas caroling, and more.

God has Never Failed Me, But He has Sure Scared me to Death a Few Times- Stan Toler

God Has Never Failed Me, But He Has Sure Scared Me To Death A Few Times -by Stan Toler

I have to be honest with you, this title kinda put me off. I had the impression that it would be a glib, halfhearted book that would try too hard to be funny and miss the mark at being meaningful.

I was wrong. This is a book about Gods faithfulness and it sees it through the eyes of some really touching stories and some really funny ones. The author Stan Toler uses humor to illustrate his points perfectly. In fact you can quickly tell that he is a firm believer in the authentic Christian life being filled with joy and humor, imagine that!

This was a refreshing book filled with simple practical steps to get closer to God and closer to the understanding that he will never fail us.

I was impressed with this book as a whole an would defiantly recommend it to my friends. In fact I know at least one person in my family that will be getting one for Christmas.

Rediscover Stan Toler’s Endearing Collections of Encouragement

David C Cook introduces new generation of readers to Toler’s gift for finding faith and joy in life’s tough times

Buzzards are Circling front cover for emailGod Has Never Failed Me front cover for emailCelebrated author of over 70 books, Stan Toler has touched countless hurting people with his timeless stories of hope and encouragement. This summer, a whole new audience of readers will have the opportunity to discover Toler’s best-selling books as David C Cook introduces the updated editions of two of Toler’s most beloved collections—The Buzzards Are Circling, But God’s Not Finished With Me Yet and God Has Never Failed Me, But He’s Sure Scared Me to Death a Few Times (David C Cook, August 2009).

On the landscape of life, buzzards are inevitable—those challenging events and situations that encircle us, eyeing us as prey and swooping down to cause hurt and heartache. A late-night phone call delivering bad news. Losing a job. Struggling with bankruptcy. No matter what form these buzzards take, the pain is universal.

In The Buzzards Are Circling, But God’s Not Finished With Me Yet, Stan Toler takes a lighthearted look at some of life’s more serious subjects. Drawing from his own personal struggles, Toler offers a generous dose of encouragement for the troubled heart, helping readers find hope, joy, and peace, even in the most trying of circumstances. In chapters such as “When the Fountain of Youth Has Rusted” and “I Know I’m Lost, but the Scenery Is Spectacular,” readers will find the strength they need to shoo away any buzzards and face life’s difficulties with the security of knowing that God is in control.

In God Has Never Failed Me, But He’s Sure Scared Me to Death a Few Times, Toler gives a humorous twist to the challenges that place us in faith’s waiting room. Though we know that God’s provision is always on time, we’ve all had close calls waiting for His help. For anyone who has ever felt frazzled, stressed, confused, hurt, angry, undone, or any other emotional response to the difficulties and uncertainties of life, Toler serves up a delightful combination of poignant and hilarious reminders that God is still at work in the world.

Filled with heartwarming stories and humorous anecdotes, this charming collection offers hope and peace for the weary, waiting heart. Toler combines a rich blend of spiritual truths with humorous insights as he reminds God’s children of His unfailing love. Through it all, readers will discover a God who is always faithful, worthy of our trust, and never late with His help.

Repackaged with a fresh look and design, both books will be available for purchase in August.

Author Bio

Stan Toler is senior pastor of Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and for several years taught seminars for Dr. John Maxwell’s INJOY Group, a leadership development institute. He also serves as the executive director of the Toler Leadership Center, located on the campus of Mid-America Christian University, and is the co-founder of BGW Forward in Faith. Toler has written over 70 books, including his bestsellers, God Has Never Failed Me, But He’s Sure Scared Me to Death a Few Times; The Buzzards Are Circling, But God’s Not Finished With Me Yet; God’s Never Late, He’s Seldom Early, He’s Always Right on Time; The Secret Blend; Practical Guide to Pastoral Ministry; Total Quality Life; and his popular Minute Motivator series.

The Buzzards Are Circling, But God’s Not Finished With Me Yet

God Has Never Failed Me, But He’s Sure Scared Me to Death a Few Times

by Stan Toler

David C Cook/August 2009

ISBN: 978-1-434765-94-9/224 pages/softcover/$14.99

ISBN: 978-1-434765-95-6/224 pages/softcover/$14.99